Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rikki Sneddon Art + Sechoir

I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with Sechoir + being featured on their video styling blog.  Sechoir features fresh, fun and functional styling tips and accessories.  Tanya is great, entertaining + fun to follow along with, she keeps me checking back often to see her new features.  This weeks feature is on summer weddings + where to get the perfect dress.  My art which s featured in the backdrop is a large scale print of my original watercolor 'The Love We Make' available Here.  See the full video and find out more about Sechoir Right Here!  Thanks Sechoir + Tanya!  You were a pleasure to work with!

#art #artwork #watercolor #floral #painting #artprint #sechoir #video #styling #blog #tanya #sechoirtv #renttherunway #dress #summer #wedding #tips #artist #pink #green

Monday, July 28, 2014

A loved Life

Starting out on new adventures this month.  Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment which always ends up proving to me, that I work best under pressure.  I am very excited for where things are going.  Every decision you make, the things you say yes to and the things you say no to, all decide where your life will take you tomorrow, next month and next year.  So I say Yes.  I am inching closer and closer to my goal of being a full time artist, of one day walking away from my job.  there is so much more to my dream than that though ....there is so much that I haven't discovered yet.  That for me is the exciting part, that I don't know yet what I am capable of, 6 years ago I would never have even entertained the thought that I could be an Artist as more than a hobby.  I would never have even thought about being able to quit my dayjob and be a creative instead.  So I like to think about the future (not too much) but I like to wonder about the opportunities that haven't come my way yet, the people I haven't met and the places I will's an exciting, intangible idea.  I would like to think that I will get to say yes to many of these things yet to come...I will have to wait and see and for now keep building this life I love.

#art #artist #life #sayyes #design #love #life #live #tomorrow #today #lifestyle #smallbusiness #owner #dreamer 

Saturday, July 19, 2014


So I finally took the plunge and tried my hand at Live Painting at my last event.  It wasn't as bad as I thought!  I had worked myself up to an extreme degree, the only other time I have even attempted anything similar was for the recording of my Pioneer Public Television segment and they required shots of me painting.  During that instance I was so nervous I could barely paint at all, mostly just repainting background to look like I was doing something (shh don't tell) I was shaky and unsure.  So with flashbacks of that one try I have been actively avoiding any type of public painting.  After all I would say, it's personal, I have to be in the zone, in my element blah blah blah, excuses.  However with a new art venture on the horizon a good friend of mine has been encouraging me to try again.  So try I did and it wasn't that bad!  I found that it really opened up a new dialogue between me and my fans and people in general about my art.  Many people had questions about what type of medium I was using and why, I was able to show them the layers behind a painting and the story behind a painting.  I think most people really enjoyed it because it exposed them to a new part of the process that they don't usually get to see, I got to show them what was in between the layers of a painting, and me.  That mysterious part between an idea and the finished image.  So after such a good result you can expect to see me live painting at more events and stay tuned for a very important announcement coming soon!
Don't forget to subscribe to my blog- HERE
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Monday, July 7, 2014


 Rikki Sneddon | 22x28 inches | Mixed media on canvas

Newest work completed this week.  She took me a long time but I am very happy to have her completed.  Prints of this artwork are available Here  
Original available $700 please contact me for purchase, payment plan available.
Also this week only Free Shipping on anything in my Society6 shop by following this LINK
P.s don't forget to subscribe Here

#Art #artwork #New #painting #mixedmedia #Floral #summer #Society6 #Sale #Promo #Thisweek