Friday, September 5, 2014

Taking A Break

As I stated in my last post, I have decided to take 3 months off!  Though that may seem like a long time I know that it will fly by just as fast as ever.  I will still be working part time at my 'dayjob' I have a gallery opening booked for Oct 1st and I'm not telling myself that I CAN'T make any artwork.  However I am removing the stress of forcing myself to be the most productive I can be,
    I am taking sometime to truly let inspiration seep in and take hold and become an idea, I've been lamenting over my current collection and direction for far to long now and finally realized that I AM IN CONTROL.  It's something I lose sight of when caught in the hustle.  So these 3 months will hopefully allow me to reorganize and reinvent my artwork and direction.  I will no longer make anything just to be making something, to be productive.  If I feel creative I will sketch something out or work on the mood board for where I want to pick up my art when I come back...I am hoping to find some purity during this time and be able to start fresh, not necessarily with a clean slate but somewhere in the middle.  I will end this sabbatical with a gorgeous getaway to the Dominican Republic for one last deep breath before I dive back in.
   In early December I plan to take some pieces out of my Etsy shop...Forever.  It's sad and it's something I've been wanting to do but haven't due to sentiment.  But like all things in order to grow and change we must shed the things that don't serve us anymore.      I will still be on the blog and facebook keeping up with all of you and posting from time to time.  Keep your eye out because one of the major reasons I decided to take this break is because of some big news that will be released in full very soon...I promise.  During this time my current art collection will be available on and in print in my ETSY SHOP.  Okay enough for now I'm starting my break!


#art #artwork #sabbatical #breaktime #timetothink #creative #rethink #reinvent #hibernate #inspire #rikkisneddon #artist #blog

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